Bicoastal Review is a journal of poetry, nonfiction, photography, and art. We aim to foster cross-genre conversations between readers and contributors, often on (but not limited to) topics related to the East Coast and West Coast. We publish writing that offers a lens into varied schools of thought and showcases epiphany and mastery of language. Our collective of voices circumscribes a study of American writing, highlighting the movements, ruptures, and allegiances happening simultaneously on opposite ends of the nation. Writers and artists from anywhere in the world are welcome to submit, though we prefer the American English spelling of words. If there is a fee posted that presents an economic burden to you, email us.
We offer a Fast Response option if you would like to hear back from us in one week. If it has been 6 or 7 days, feel free to email There is also an option to receive in-depth edits, feedback, and suggestions on your submission from our readers and editor. Thank you for your support!
5 poems max, preferably in .doc or .docx. Please separate poems by page. Titles are preferred. No need to put your contact info in the document. If your poems are haikus or otherwise very short, feel free to submit more than 5.
Please read our past issues to get a sense of our vibe. In addition to original writing, we welcome ekphrastic works that imitate, borrow from, challenge, or are in conversation with any piece we have previously published. Leave a note in your submission if you are referencing a piece previously published in our journal.
We accept translations (into English) with the permission of both author and translator.
We particularly like political poetry, ecopoetry, love poems, poems about the body, feminist or queer poetry, and poems that engage with history, literature, art, or modern culture. No covid/quarantine poems, please.
While hybrid, experimental, or cross-genre submissions are welcome, we do not accept anything created with AI. We do not accept writing that espouses bigotry or hate toward any group. We value accessibility and social progress, and seek to represent a diversity of voices across the American literary landscape.
We accept essays, book reviews, interviews, critiques, think pieces, and similar works. 1,000-3,000 words preferred, though this is not a hard rule. Occasional fiction may be considered if you think it matches the tone and themes of our publication.
Submit up to 10 photos or works of art using the highest image quality possible. Include a "museum label" style paragraph explaining any materials, process, theory, or anything else you would like to share. No AI. Please don't select Fast Response if you're submitting art/photography.
​Bios should be 100 words or less, beginning with "YOUR NAME is...."
Simultaneous submissions are fine. Notify us and/or withdraw your submission if your work is accepted elsewhere. We generally do not publish reprints. Upon acceptance with us, please withdraw your work from consideration elsewhere. Writers/artists featured in Bicoastal Review should wait six months to submit again to General Submissions (feel free to submit to contests).